A Graphic Designer based in
London / Beijing.

Poster & others
In addition to regular posters and related gift cards, I also provide creative and visual design assistance to the marketing department, such as designing invitations for online and offline shop openings, shop display carpets and creative extensions for new categories (kitchenware). Any attachment to a brand can convey a message and enrich a story, and I believe that care and attention to detail can go straight to the heart of a person.
* The Mid-Autumn Festival poster

* Four Seasons collection

* Pattern development

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* Matches packaging
> > > > > > > > > > >>>>>>

* Store Opening Invitation Set
Online & Offline
This invitation is created from scented wax blocks and house card. It's inspired by the residential door card, it means that people are welcome to visit the shop and feel as comfortable and free as if they were in their own home.

* Carpet Creation for Store

* Kitchenware Series Ideas:
POP UP store